Duel System

1. The Duel System is a new system which adds another element to the game. With this Heroes will be able to challenge other Heroes in single combat on the battlefield.
2. In Duels Heroes have a certain amount of HP. On the next duel the hero will used the remaining HP from the last duel. If the value of HP is less than 20% then at the start of the duel they will have 20% of HP. Heroes will fight until ones HP reaches 0 or 30 rounds have been completed. If 30 rounds are reached the Hero with the most life will win.
3. The Hero with a successful attack will earn a normal attack and an extra attack. If the action is triggered again and they are successful they will gain this again. Heroes who are defeated will lose 50% of stamina and a certain amount of troops.
4. The winner can also receive up to 500 Charge Value and the loser can lose up to 1000 Charge Value. The Battle report will be sent to the players email and can also be posted in chat. Battle reports will be available for 2 days.
5. During the duel Heroes can use new Hero skills. These skills are similar to normal skills, active, passive, attack, defense and other buffs.


Rules for triggering a Duel:
1. Heroes attacks have a chance of triggering a Duel, if nothing is triggered then a duel will not take place.
2. Normal attacks have a chance of triggering a Duel.
3. When an Attackers and Defenders Power, Intellect, and Leadership are closely matched they increase the chances of triggering a duel.
4. The higher the defenders 3 attributes are compared to the attacker the less likely it will be for the attacker to trigger a duel.
5. The higher the attackers 3 attributes are compared to the defender the more likely it will be for the attacker to trigger a duel. If all attributes together are higher by 40 points then there is a very high chance of triggering a duel.
6. Each round there is a limit on the number of triggers. It is based on: Number of troops in this round/10+2.


1. Heroes will fight for 30 rounds or until ones HP is reduced to 0.
2. When the battle begins the Heroes health will be full. Life lost in a duel will be the same in the next duel. If the players’ life is under 20% at the beginning of the duel then it will be set to 20%.
3. The amount of HP is associated with the level of the Hero, the higher the level the more HP. Abilities in battle can be affected by Duel effects. This relates to the amount of HP and historical Heroes.
4. Heroes Power value affect their attacks and their special abilities.
5. Heroes Intellect value affects their defenses; Politics also affect their special abilities.
6. Heroes in Duels can launch special skills, including: skills used prior to a battle, skills used before a round, attack boosts, multiple attacks one after another, defensive boosts, counter attacks, and abilities from various historical heroes.


Duel Results:
1. The losing Hero will have their Stamina reduced by 50%
2. Every round that a Hero Loses they will also lose some of their troops and also impact their politics in a negative way.
3. The winning Hero will be able to launch 2 normal attacks after the duel. The next action can trigger a special skill, normal attack, or another duel. If they win another duel then they can once again have all of the above.
4. The winner will can receive up to 500 Charge Value and the loser will have up to 1000 Charge Value removed.


Duel Skills:
1. In order for Duel skills to be upgraded, a Skill Book and skill points must be used together. Each skill has different levels and needs to use different number of books.
2. Skill Rates: When a Hero uses a Duel Skill they will receive a skill points. Once requirements are met they have 100% chance of learning the skill.


Note: Names and information may change prior to the release of this version.

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